TMI with Sarah Grant

Life On The Spectrum with Kaelynn Partlow

Episode Notes

In this episode of "TMI", SG has a D&M with her new #BFF Kaelynn Partlow (Autism Advocate, Dog Trainer Extraordinaire & Delightful Human)

Kaelynn takes us on a journey into the magical realm of neurodivergence and what it's like to live with a beautiful, unique, extraordinary brain. 

So please make yourself comfortable and remember that there aren't any seat belts where we're going, so hang on if you must! 

Trigger Warning: as always with TMI. We tend to go off-road quickly and often. This episode is super wholesome but we do talk about some of the challenges around living as a neurodivergent human. 

So if any of this might cause stress for you, maybe skip this one. Remember, you are responsible for your well-being. So take what you need and leave what you don't.

You can connect with Kaelynn on Instagram @kaelynnvp

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