TMI with Sarah Grant

WTF Is Ascension with Lynette Arkadie

Episode Notes

In this episode of "TMI", SG has another D&M with her #BFF and Spiritual Mentor Lynette Arkadie (Visionary, Energy Consultant and the Mary Poppins of Creative Transformation).

First up, Lynette answers an inquisitive listener question; it's giving Ghostbusters.

And then she takes us on a journey through the Spiritual Ascension. WTF is that? Tune in to find out. #ClickBait  

So please make yourself comfortable and remember, there aren't any seatbelts where we're going. So hang on if you must!

Trigger Warning: as always with TMI, and we go off-road regularly into some weird topics. This episode discusses some out-there concepts related to energy, spirituality, physics, science, and sociology. In addition, we talk about addictions, politics, the pandemic, and other Woo-Woo-related stuff. If any of this causes stress for you, do yourself a favour and hit skip.

You can find Lynette on Instagram  @myenergymentor OR her website

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